Talk Media Commentator C.C. Carter Shares Touching 9/11 Audio Podcasts with Radio

Talk Media Commentator C.C. Carter Shares Touching 9/11 Audio Podcasts with Radio

Longtime talk media host, commentator and director of the Good For You Network (www.goodforyounetwork.comClaire Carter (a.k.a. C.C. Carter) is making the audio files of two of her compelling short-form podcasts about 9/11 available at no cost for airplay on interested radio stations in time for this coming Monday’s 22nd anniversary of the tragic attack on America.

The first titled, “Never Again Should There Be a 9/11,” (8:00) is a plea for American government andim society alike to learn from the mistakes made before, during and after the tragedy so as to prevent such an atrocity from happening again. Carter tells TALKERS, “On the Sunday after 9/11, I listened to a sermon titled, ‘Making Sense of the Senseless.’ Its overriding message was: We cannot allow all these people to have died in vain. We need to do good in their name. And so to honor and remember all those who died, all those who survived, all those involved in the rescue and recovery efforts, as well as all those whose lives will never be the same, I have written and recorded a moving, memorable and thought-provoking piece, ‘Never Again Should There Be a 9/11,’ with the music, ‘Help is on the Way’ composed and performed by composer, David Friedman. It is all the more compelling when you watch the video on YouTube.” Carter adds, “We came together then. Can we come together again for the sake of the well-being of our nation and world. And what will it take to prevent such a horrific act from happening again? Thank you for caring and getting the vocals, the music and the video to as many people as possible around the world – including government officials who need to ensure our safety and security.” View the video here.

Regarding the podcast, “Reflections on 9/11,” Carter says, “Two months after 9/11, I went down to the World Trade Center site to pay my respects. I walked over to the makeshift ‘Teddy Bear’ memorial site, where people had spontaneously left notes and cards – and teddy bears. I wanted to write down some of what was left, because it was meant to be heard. I wanted to give voice to peoples’ hearts and heartache. And so, I ask you to listen to the raw emotions emanating from their hearts. ‘Reflections on 9/11’ (4:11) with music by Gunhill Road that you can download here. Please share with everyone you know. Remembering all those beautiful souls who left us that day is the least that we can do – and so much more.” Download “Never Again Should There Be a 9/11” here. To arrange a timely interview with C.C. Carter contact Victoria Jones at DC Radio Company. 917-865-3991 or

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